Economics Happy Hour
Economics Happy Hour Podcast
The Nobel Prize Episode: Who is Claudia Goldin?

The Nobel Prize Episode: Who is Claudia Goldin?

A quick chat about the 2023 winner of the economics Nobel Prize

On November 9th, 2023, Claudia Goldin won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023. Matt and Jadrian decided to have a drink that evening in honor of the announcement and chat about the prize in general and Dr. Goldin’s win in particular. Every year there tends to be some grumbling over the winner, but this year’s winner was a great pick.

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In this episode, we discuss:

  • One of the beers gifted to us by a superfan of the show

  • Criteria for winning the economics Nobel Prize

  • The 2023 Nobel laureate, Claudia Goldin

  • And a whole lot more!

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Some show notes:

Matt and Jadrian kicked off the first show back from JET SET by celebrating a beer that was gifted to us by a long-time listener, Tim Dye. He’s a teacher at Perry Meridian High School in Indianapolis, who brought some hometown beers with him to JET SET for both of us to try on later episodes. This week’s drink was an Up River American Pale Ale from Central 28 Beer Company that we both enjoyed.

On Monday, the Nobel Prize in Economics went to Claudia Goldin. Here was the announcement by the committee:

This year’s economic sciences laureate, Claudia Goldin, provided the first comprehensive account of women’s earnings and labour market participation through the centuries. By trawling through the archives and compiling and correcting historical data, Goldin has been able to present new and often surprising facts. The fact that women’s choices have often been, and remain, limited by marriage and responsibility for the home and family is at the heart of her analyses and explanatory models.

Her insights reach far outside the borders of the US and similar patterns have been observed in many other countries. Her research brings us a better understanding of the labour markets of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Claudia Goldin is part economic historian and part labor economist and has been a pioneer in the study of women's role in the U.S. economy. Learn about her inspiring life and discoveries from her former students, current colleagues, and of course, from Claudia Goldin herself thanks to Marginal Revolution’s Women in Economic Series:

One of the big research projects that Matt and Jadrian chatted about was Dr. Goldin’s work on measuring the impact of birth control on women’s labor force participation from the 1970s to today. Again, MRU has a great video summarizing her work and the impact of birth control and how that impacted professional degrees that lacked representation in previous decades:

If you’re looking for other resources about Claudia Goldin or her work, check out some of the following:

If we missed something, let us know!

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This week’s pop culture references:

Jadrian discussed Tim Harford’s great book, Fifty Inventions that Shaped the Modern Economy. There is a section in the book on the birth control pill, and how it was revolutionary, using research from Claudia Goldin.

Matt brought up a clip from I Love Lucy that he uses to teach duopolies and Jadrian uses to teach perfect competition that you can watch here:

Jadrian closed by bringing up Claudia Goldin’s most recent book, Career and Family:

Career and Family | Princeton University Press

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Economics Happy Hour
Economics Happy Hour Podcast
A podcast & newsletter about two economists who love talking about all things economics.